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Catalog Number : cas1385
Title : Latest Issues Surrounding the POA Indicator
Speaker : Karen Scott

Duration : 90 minutes

Webplay Recording Date : 10-17-2007
Webplay Price : $ 225 for two weeks viewing

Teleconference/Webinar Presenter: Karen Scott

Teleconference Webinar Title: Latest Issues Surrounding the POA Indicator

Teleconference/Webinar Level: Basic

Teleconference/Webinar Objectives:

  • Explain the attributes of the POA indicator
  • Summarize the POA guidelines and best practices for implementation
  • Illustrate the similarities and differences in guidelines

Teleconference/Webinar Outline/Agenda:

  • What present - on - admission means
  • How it relates to the UB-04
  • Guidelines for POA

Prerequisites for Participating:

This is a Basic series of Webinars/Teleconferences. While there are no specific prerequisites, attendees should have training, education and associated experience in general coding, billing and reimbursement areas to best assimilate the information, concepts and processes that will be presented.

Target Audience: Coding professionals, billers and finance, physicians & nurses that assign or document for reimbursement of services.

Attendance Certificate: Upon attending this course you will receive a 1.5 Contact Hour Attendance Certificate. There is usually a reciprocal agreement between state associations to allow these to count for each state. If you have any questions, please ask your state association.